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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nesheba of ESpiritE on BlogTalkRadio 'Welcome to Entrepreneur Open Mic'

We invite you to join in with Nesheba of ESpiritE of BlogTalkRadio 'Welcome to Entrepreneur Open Mic' on Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 4:30 CST - 6:30 CST.  Our guest is Janice Albokai a BlogTalkRadio Host of The Voice of Small Business will be interviewed and then a Q&A.  We'll then open the mic for our listeners and chatting to introduce their business, questions, and/or comments.

I'll open the show with a brief introduction about Essential Spirit Enterprises as a business and our ESpiritE-Inspirations creative division release of What's It All About Nesheba? by. Nesheba.  This self-published book collection series has 3 Titles.


Journey with Nesheba exploring thoughts like:

From: Chapter 1 - Book Series 1 Purpose of the Journey...

"The sooner we discern the purpose, those special gifts things we enjoy that come naturally in lay our treasures...Now, these gifts that lead to our treasures are Blessed by God {KJV - Job 22:25, Luke 12:34}. The greatest treasure and most precious is to know God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Our greatest gift is to KNOW LOVE {KJV - 1 Corinthians 13:13}. AGAPE is unconditional love that surpasses all understanding, but by knowing this type of LOVE we can know God we can KNOW HIS HEART..."

And, From Chapter 1 Book Series 2 Ever Evolving...

The concept of perfection is the journey to evolve to seek balance for our Spirituality, Mind, Body, Soul and Ultimately The Greatest Gift of All LOVE..."

Or, From: Chapter 1 Book Series 3 Pressing On...

You've learned from all the sadness that you could press on and How important it is. You learned how to press on From the stillness within You've learned how To chart the hardest courses that no matter What you know to press on..." Shared through Purpose of the Journey; Ever Evolving; and Pressing On...

Purpose of the Journey reflects an example of some of the processes and thoughts one explores while searching for our purpose. It also assist in identifying how important it is to know what your purpose is and why. Ever Evolving notes that we are always evolving as we walk through life it's an overall process of evolution. It's apart of what keeps us in tune with life and others. Learning, growing, and exploring this wonderful world that's been given to us as a gift. Pressing On through what ever trial or tribulation, pressing through the storms of life and evolving victoriously. Reflecting on what we've learned from the Purpose of the Journey and Ever Evolving.

You can obtain additional information about What's It All About Nesheba? by visiting our ESpiritE-Inspirations link under the Essential Spirit Enterprises category on our WordPress Home Page.  We appreciate your patronage so enjoy, be inspired and encouraged.

Below is our BlogTalkRadio Player enjoy and be encourage by our shows.  You can click the player to go directly to our Show Page and/or go to ESpiritE BlogTalkRadio - on BlogTalkRadio category to keep in touch or bookmark the Show Page.

Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome to Our 2nd Show - Moving Forward and More...

Thank you for adding me to your Friends and Favorites it's appreciated. Our next show is airing Sunday, 3/22/09 @ 4:30 CST. Stop by the Show Page for additional information. So, stay tuned for our upcoming shows & guests...

Don't forget to stop by the Show Page to listen to our 1st show and check the notes under Comments. Please listen to the entire show despite slight moments of DEAD AIR & what appears to be closing sign off's they aren't, so continue to listen in it's entirety its greatly appreciated. I know you'll be inspired, and we appreciate your patience and understanding...

Please send me your email address so I can add you to our Show Contacts for invites and reminders. We look forward to you listening and participating.

Once you come onto BlogTalkRadio you have the option of opening a Free Listeners or listen to a show as a Guest. To listen to the 1st Show click our Show icons.

Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day!!!

Nesheba of ESpiritE


Listen to ESpiritE on internet talk radio

Monday, March 9, 2009

Coming Soon!!! ESpiritE BlogTalkRadio

Hello Everyone:

Coming Soon!!! ESpiritE BlogTalkRadio we'll be airing our
first show is tentatively scheduled for:
Sunday, March 15, 2009 @ 16:30 CST.

Welcome to ESpiritE BlogTalkRadio hosted by Nesheba. Introducing who we are within this wonderful venue an opportunity to share with you.

We welcome the opportunity to know about our listeners, ventures and God Given Gifts to share...

We'll give a brief overview of who we are as a company and it's divisions. ESpiritE-Inspirations is our creative division announcing the self-published release of What's It All About Nesheba? By. Nesheba. This Book Collection includes three titles: Purpose of the Journey, Ever Evolving, and Pressing On. What's It All About Nesheba? is currently available via CreateSpace an Amazon company. Also, available on Amazon in the following formats Color Paperback, Inside the Book, and Amazon Kindle Wireless Reading Device. It's also distributed via several channels i.e. Barnes & Noble and others {also in B&W Hardcover w/Dust Jacket}. Please feel free to check out of Product Gallery located on our Show Page.

We look forward to everyone attending and participating with our first & future shows. The shows we've listened to thus far are extremely impressive and inspiring...

Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day!!!