Peace, Love, and Harmony:
Where’s the disconnect? When did it happen, and why? Unemployment, Katrina, Haiti’s Earthquake, other storms, trials & tribulations of life… Is the disconnect poverty vs. classism? The have’s and the have not, although many have been impacted by these particular storms of life the greater affect seems to effect those who have minimum resources, reduced incomes, ultimately financially challenged.
In the case of the unemployed millions of hard working Americans experienced having the rug removed from underneath the feet. This affected the working poor to Main Street. Their entire way of life changed in the blink of an eye, and when this occurred and they initially applied for what is set aside for them unemployment insurance. Well, as we known UI benefits don’t last forever generally 99 weeks maximum, and after that as in the current case an extension is needed especially based on the current outlook of our economy. But, where is the relief? People are loosing hope & faith and in some cases committing suicide.
Katrina and Haiti’s earthquake common denominators lack of resources, lack of buildings regulations in place, let alone being applied, and poverty. This isn’t to say that some with financially resources weren’t affected, but the higher impact was to those without. This is clearly demonstrated in a series of documentaries that Spike Lee has been committed to. Reflecting this by letting not only these voices speak out but to show evidence of the current conditions between these sister cities.
“When the Levees Broke”, Part 1 & 2 of “If God is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise recently aired on HBO. First, I must say if you didn’t have the opportunity to watch this check the schedule because it’s a must see. All of these documentaries are a must see and should be recorded. It was even noted as a commentary on one of the morning shows it should be placed within high school and higher education as apart of the curriculum.
At the end of the day apart of the common solution is 'Peace, Love, Harmony, and Unity'... We must continue to find ways to work together, because sometimes the powers that be don't really have our best interest in mind. Leaving times and moments within our history when dealing with these economic and natural disaster resolutions to those that have a heart & conscious to step in position and do what they do best.
We've seen this implemented when we're faced with these situations, the best of people and the worst of others. It's time for us to unite, stop hating on one another and embrace our beautiful differences, our uniqueness is what makes us ever so special...
Oh, check out Michael Thornton of Examiner with his ongoing reporting related to the unemployment urgent issue:
99ers will continue the legislative campaign to call-in, email, and fax until a clear & immediate resolution is fully implemented to save us from this economic attack. We're in the field in the trenches, and they can learn something from the rule of thumb applied in the military. Oh, they need to also keep in mind that some of the unemployed are veterans of wars, and they have left them behind in more ways than one...