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Thank you, Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reflection, Relax, Inspiration with Indie & Spoken Word Artists Playlist, and More...


***Program Note:  The show is live & opens with a music intro from U.K. Indie Artists Glidescope's "Stop the War" from his Audio Cinematography CD***

Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All...

Reflection, Relax, Inspiration Indie & Spoken Word Artists Playlist, and More... We're going to enjoy some good music and spoken word from gifted guests that have been apart of this show.  Some are thought provoking, encouraging, inspiring and have empowering messages their gifts to our global community is priceless & healing artists...

As many of us are aware there is a broad range of issues affecting our global community, with civil unrest, potential concerns related to radiation traces entering our food supply, domestic & global economies affecting the impoverished, middle income, union workers, and the increase in foreclosures & homeless. 

Despite this global insanity lead by some greedy, thoughtless, and those with a lack of any consciousness, in the mist of this we need to capture moments of sanity, of peace, of calm… So, sit back relax, have a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine. Allow your minds to clear for a moment in time, to be renewed for a new season, as we continue to move towards a better tomorrow...  As always, we will make it through the trials, tribulations, and storms of life together…

To find out additional information and stay tuned to "ESpiritE-Radio7" w/Host "Nesheba" visit:

The show airs live Sunday, 4/1/11;  4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Central Time, USA; 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, USA;  2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, USA;  Show Call-in#:  (347) 215-6487

BlogTalkRadio – Show Call-in#:  (347) 215-6487:        

Facebook Show Event:

"What's It All About Nesheba" by. Nesheba, an Inspiration & Spiritual Reflection:

"Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7" a Division of Essential Spirit Enterprises Links:

Nesheba of ESpiritE - Radio7

Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7:

ESpiritE Blog - Moments of Thought:

ESpiritE-Radio7 on Blogspot:

ESpiritE Spruz Business Social Network: 

Nesheba of ESpiritE Facebook

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Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7 on Livestream:

Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day!!!

Reaching for the Stars and Daring to Be Different...

Self-Published Author & Educator Timi McGill “Chicken 50” from “Timi’s Kitchen Online”

Timi McGill Timi McGill

*Program Note: The show is live we open with music intro from "Eddie Benitez" "Visions of Angels"*

Self-Published Author & Educator Timi McGill “Chicken 50” from “Timi’s Kitchen Online”. Timi is originally from Montreal, Canada and some of her wonderful memories of cooking with her mother in the kitchen as a child, and French cuisine have had some influence as she evolves in her journey with cooking. Her desire and passion for cooking clearly began early as she noticed this is one of her gifts.  This is an example of how early gifts reveal themselves in our lives…

Timi’s joy for cooking was encouraged & inspired not only by her mother, but also by the warm compliments her father gave her as she presented meals from her heart to him, Julia Childs, family, and friends.  Timi’s story, journey, life evolution also ventured into education, as an educator another gift, but as life has it she’d like to transition to where her heart leads her now, which is back to the kitchen; as in “Timi’s Kitchen Online” and her book “Chicken 50” representing 50 healthy recipes for chicken.

So, sit back relax have a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine and enjoy good conversation & music.  As we’re inspired by Timi’s passion for cooking from the passion of her heart…

To find out additional information and stay tuned to "ESpiritE-Radio7" w/Host "Nesheba" visit:

The show airs live Sunday, 4/3/11;  4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Central Time, USA; 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, USA;  2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, USA;  Show Call-in#:  (347) 215-6487

BlogTalkRadio – Show Call-in#:  (347) 215-6487:

Timi McGill Links:    

Timis Kitchen on Facebook:   

Chicken 50 on Facebook:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Self-Published Author Betsy Otter Thompson – Latest Book Release “Walking Through Illusion” - Jesus Speaks of the People who Shared his Journey

Betsy Thompson Betsy Thompson

Self-Published Author Betsy Otter Thompson – Latest Book Release “Walking Through Illusion” - Jesus Speaks of the People who Shared his Journey.  Is a wonderful exploration, interpretation, and inspiration of biblical stories.  Reflection representing people like:  Bartholomew, Paul, John, Mary, Aaron, and others.   This isn’t explored through the eyes of religion, its revelations are evolved and depicted via spirituality & metaphysics’.   After all the bible is the living word and inspiration from God, implemented through the Holy Spirit.  Who takes us by the hand, by spirit to guide us through life.  ‘For greater is He, that lives within me, than he that lives within the world.’  ‘For such a time as this, our journey, our destiny is revealed…

Betsy has applied a worksheet / life application format within this book to incorporate interaction with the reader.   Which draws the reader into a more personal exploration of the overall experience and message from within.  At the same time sharing some of her life’s journey, and lessons learned...

In addition to Walking Through Illusion (published by O-Books, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd), Betsy Otter Thompson is the author of The Mirror Theory (published by Hampton Roads Publishing) and 4 self-published books through her own company, Ascension Publishing. The self-published books are now at of print, but Betsy hopes to eventually get them on e-books. 

Betsy life's journey includes and began in media, as a native Philadelphian with a B.F.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, Betsy worked as an account executive for WFIL radio in Philadelphia and from there went to radio stations WPEN and WFLN. After that, she became a commercial print model and acted in television commercials in New York and Philadelphia.

So, sit back relax have a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine and enjoy some good conversation, music, and be inspired & empowered by ‘Betsy Otter Thompson’.

To find out additional information and stay tuned to "ESpiritE-Radio7" w/Host "Nesheba" visit:

The show airs live Sunday, 3/27/11;  4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Central Time, USA; 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, USA;  2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, USA;  Show Call-in#:  (347) 215-6487

Blog Talk Radio:  

Disregard the reference to ‘Thursday’ in the show link, the show airs live Sunday...

Call-in#: (724) 444-7444, then Enter: Call ID: 63771 & Press: 1#
Click to Join the Chat for Shows that Air Live

Facebook Show Event:

Betsy Otter Thompson Links:


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reflection, Relax, Inspiration with Indie & Spoken Word Artists Playlist...


***Program Note:  The show is live & opens with a music intro from U.K. Indie Artists Glidescope's "Welcome to my World" from his Audio Cinematography CD***

Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All...Reflection, Relax, Inspiration with Indie & Spoken Word Artists Playlist... We're going to enjoy some good music and spoken word.  A little thought provoking, encouraging, and empowering message from gifted international artists...

So, sit back relax, have a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine. Allow your mind to be cleared, so it can be renewed for a new season...

To stay tuned and find out more about "ESpiritE-Radio7" with host "Nesheba" feel free to visit

Today's show airs live 7:00 p.m. Central Time, USA

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time to Let Your Mind Unwind – Relax to Indie Artists Playlist…


Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All…

*Program Note:  Yes, the show is live music intro Joe Brucato “Thank You Soldier”

Time to Let Your Mind Unwind – Relax to Indie Playlist… Domestically, internationally, natural disasters, civil unrest, unemployment, global economy, attack on the middle class & unions, political insanity, homelessness, the cost of food & gas rising and state secessionist movement & concerns, in the mist of this we have to stop for a moment, pause, and say it’s time to stop the madness...

So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do creative minds, artists, vocalist, musicians our blessed angles of the world have a way through their gift to calm things down, and bring a sense of peace, tranquility, and healing.  They also bring messages that tend to be timely and timeless… 

So, sit back relax have a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine and enjoy some good music to just unwind…

To find out additional information and stay tuned to "ESpiritE-Radio7" w/Host "Nesheba" visit:

The show airs live today 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Central Time, USA; 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time, USA;  3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Pacific Time, USA

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chi-Town Fusion Indie Artist “The Jamez Band” Featuring CD “The Jamez Band”

The Jamez Band The Jamez Band

Chi-Town Fusion Indie Artist “The Jamez Band” Featuring CD “The Jamez Band”. As you listen to James Fairs fusion of jazz, pop, alternative rock his passion jumps out at you and draws one in.  Moments of relaxation, joy, and the awakening of that rocker within us captivates your imagination.  His vocals are soothing, and even have moments of tranquility.   James isn’t just an artist his talents extend to songwriter, composer, producer, and guitarist. He further extends his gifts as CEO of IMI Innovations, Inc., Fairs has overseen the development of Control Layer Technologies, an innovative way of interconnecting computer users from any locations and allowing them to work simultaneously in the same computer environment.

James began his career as early as 19 writing for the 1960’s Midwestern group “The Cryan’ Shames”CD Sugar & Spice Collection. Who ruled the charts on Chicago radio station WLS between 1966 and 1969, and attained seven singles on the Billboard charts.  What a confirmation of one’s gift to obtain such an opportunity.  This is also displayed by James being blessed to write for “Chaka Khan”, touring with and producing Gregg Allman. James has worked and collaborated with many talented musicians, and legacy is clearly a category his music shares. 

So, sit back relax have a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine and enjoy some good conversation & music with James Fair of the “The Jamez Band”…


To stay in touch with “ESpiritE-Radio7” feel free to visit & bookmark for station information:

Facebook Show Event Link:

Talkshoe – Airs Live:

Come join us Friday, 3/11/11 airs live 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Central Time, USA; 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, USA;  2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, USA

Call-in#: (724) 444-7444, then Enter: Call ID: 63771 & Press: 1#
Click to Join the Chat for Shows that Air Live:

Blog Talk Radio- Airs live from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Central Time, USA Show Call-in#:  (347) 215-6487

The Jamez Band Links:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Indie Artist Erin Dickins Debut CD “Nice Girls” Founding Member of “The Manhattan Transfer”

Erin Dickins Erin Dickins

Indie Artist Erin Dickins Debut CD “Nice Girls” is absolutely outstanding, its not surprising coming from the founding member of “The Manhattan Transfer”.   Erin’s voice is tranquil, soothing, sultry, and just plain awesome.  It’s an example of the beauty of music and it’s healing power.  Her style of music and method of delivery is what makes great music, legacy music. It’s wonderful to know that she’s returned to music to continue blessing the world, as she did when she founded “The Manhattan Transfer”.  Those that remember them can truly attest to this, and their approach to music just out of this world to say the least… 

Having recorded with a virtual who’s who of musical geniuses— from James Brown and James Taylor to Leonard Cohen and Talking Heads—Dickins quit the music business cold turkey. “I had not found my authentic voice as an artist, and it was time. I moved to Honolulu, as far away from New York as I could get,” she says. “It was there that I finally learned that what matters is the gift of music I have been given, and my willingness to share that gift.” 

Erin’s inspirational come back stems from giving back to those in need by collaborating  her talents in music and producing a show for Habitat for Humanity, a favored charitable organization. Working with 200 amateur performers on the show sparked Dickins’ creative juices for the first time in a long time. 

As the child of artistic parents—Dickins’ mother was a Rockette at Radio City Music Hall and her father an amateur jazz pianist—she was bound to return to her first love. Anchored by the single and video “Nice Girls Don’t Stay for Breakfast”—a remake of 1950’s starlet Julie London’s song—Dickins’ first solo album on Champagne Records was carefully crafted over a two-year process by a stellar group of renowned musicians including producer Jesse Frederick, pianist/ arranger Rob Mounsey (Natalie Cole, Elton John, Tony Bennett) and bassist David Finck (Harry Connick Jr., Rod Stewart).

So, sit back relax have a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine, enjoy some good conversation & music with “Erin Dickins”.


To stay in touch with “ESpiritE-Radio7” feel free to visit & bookmark for station information:

Blog Talk Radio - Will Also Air Full Segment Noted Below:

Come join us Sunday, 3/6/11 airs live 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Central Time, USA; 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, USA;  2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, USA - Show Call-in#:   (347) 215-6487

Talkshoe – Air Live for Full Segment Noted Below:

Come join us Sunday, 3/6/11 airs live 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Central Time, USA; 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, USA;  2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, USA

Call-in#: (724) 444-7444, then Enter: Call ID: 63771 & Press: 1#
Click to Join the Chat for Shows that Air Live:

Erin Dickins Links: