Alternative Energy - Solar Solutions...

Code Amber Alert...

Thank you, Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

Monday, June 30, 2014

Heaven by The Walkmen - covered by Leslie DiNicola

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Stay Tuned for Week of 6/30/17 w/Special Guest Captain on ESpiritE-Radio7 - As We Continue Our "Due Diligent Journey"

Peace, Love, Global Harmony & Healing to All of God’s Rainbow Tribes…

Stay Tuned for Week of 6/30/17 w/Special Guest Captain on ESpiritE-Radio7 - As We Continue Our "Due Diligent Journey"...

Essential Spirit Enterprises:

ESpiritE- Radio7 onTwitter:   @espiriteradio7

ESpiritE on Facebook:

Captain's Corner - Blog

Twitter Handle:  @captainjcorner >

ESpiritE-Radio7 w/Host Nesheba – on Free Conferencing:

Call-in#:  712-432-0075

Participants:   533869#

Broadcast Archive Playback#:  712-432-1085, Then Enter:  533869#*

 Archive Broadcast Link Embedded – Also, available on “Talkshoe Player” Located on ESpiritE-Radio7 Blog {}:

“ESpiritE-Radio7 on {iTunes “Talkshoe –Broadcast Archives”} Just Click or ESpiritE Links on this Blog…

TopicA continuing Friday’s discussion Moving Forward…

Topic:  When I become a Millionaire, what am I going to do...?

Friday, 7/4/14 - 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. PST / 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. CST / 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. EST  

Topic:  ***July 4, 2014:  Fourth of July NO SHOW***

Captain on ESpiritE-Radio7 - As We Continue Our "Due Diligent Journey:

Keshe Foundations:


·         YouTube - Taxes:   Outgoing IRS Chief: Taxes are Voluntary - Brother Sun, Sister Moon:

Thank you, Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day…

We appreciate your ongoing support & sharing…

Monday, June 23, 2014

Captain Week of 6/23/14

Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

Captain's Topic's for the Week of 062314…

Captain's Corner - Blog

Twitter Handle:  @captainjcorner >

ESpiritE-Radio7 w/Host Nesheba – on Free Conferencing:

Call-in#:  712-432-0075
Participants:   533869#
Broadcast Archive Playback#:  712-432-1085

Archive Broadcast Link Embedded – Also, available on “Talkshoe Player” Located on ESpiritE-Radio7 Blog {}:

Topic:  Things that make you go hum…?  False Flags…

Topic Holistic Health – Special Guest Anthony Jurak  of  JC Tonic, and so much more...

***Remember to fill out the Contact Form on either blog, with Topic suggestions for this Friday's show....***

Topic:    Suggestion Grab Bag

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The White House Hosts Its First-Ever Maker Faire

The White House Blog:


Monday, June 16, 2014

Captain's Topic's for the Week of 061614

Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God’s Rainbow Tribes…

We appreciate your ongoing support, sharing, journey towards due diligence, and so much more... 

Archive Broadcast Link Embedded – Also, available on “Talkshoe Player” Located on ESpiritE-Radio7 Blog {}:

Topic Grab Bag:  ***Due to a situation out of our realm, our vendor system issues that impacted our call with about 40 minutes remaining to our show; including Captain.  He noted he was going to call into WC's call tonight to let everyone know... ***

The archive for this show will be posted & uploaded by tomorrow Tuesday, 6/17/14...

Topic:  Grab Bag – At the top of the hour we had a brief surprise visit from Dr. Richard Davidson who will be joining the show this Friday…

Topic:  Dr Richard Davidson a teacher of nature and numerologist he will talk about the ascension process and others good news...

"ESpiritE-Radio7" on Blogspot:

Essential Spirit Enterprises:
ESpiritE- Radio7 onTwitter:   @espiriteradio7

ESpiritE on Facebook:

ESpiritE-Radio7 w/Host Nesheba – on Free Conferencing Options:

 Call-in#:  712-432-0075 > Participants:   533869# > Playback#:  712-432-1085

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Captain Topics for the Week of 6/9/14 Grab Bag...

Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

Welcome as we continue our journey of due diligence, towards spiritual awakening, healing, revelations, transition, and new beginnings...

Throughout our discussions we've covered a wide range of topics, NESARA, the  Power of Agape' Love, overall healing, new technologies, new inventions, aliens species, what animals species do you have an affinity to, and why, and so much more...

So, continue to join us, invite friends, family, and colleagues to become apart of this journey of evolution..

For the entire week of 6/9/14 it's all Grab Bag discussions...  Many may still have questions and/or comments relating to  several topics, this is your week to explore...

Week of 6/9/14 is Grab Bag...

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday...

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. PST / 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. CST / 8:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.  EST

Archive Broadcast Link Embedded – Also, available on “Talkshoe Player” Located on ESpiritE-Radio7 Blog {}:

ESpiritE-Radio7 w/Host Nesheba – on Free Conferencing Options:

 Call-in#:  712-432-0075 > Participants:   533869# > Playback#:  712-432-1085

Blog Comment Resource Share:


-Gives great detail about each race
-Also gives detail of each races interaction with Earth and humans
-Aproximately 1hr 54mins

Has the Lost City of Atlantis been Locate...? - Remember our Due Diligence Journey...:

2014 - Atlantis found! Proof of an ancient city. Annunaki, Giants, Nephilim2014 - Atlantis found! Proof of an ancient city. Annunaki, Giants, Nephilim:

Essential Spirit Enterprises:
ESpiritE- Radio7 onTwitter:   @espiriteradio7

ESpiritE on Facebook:

Thank you, Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Food, Inc. | POV | PBS

Food, Inc. | POV | PBS

Peace,Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

God help us all...

Monday, June 2, 2014

Captains Topics for the Week of 6/2/14

God's Justice 'What's in the Dark, Shall Come to the Light'... Is in Motion...

Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

We continue our discussions as chains of events continue to evolve...  'You shall know what time it is, by the signs of the times', by keeping our head to the sky, and signs & wonders... Observation, analysis, spiritual revelations, continue to reveal themselves..

We appreciate your ongoing support, due diligence, and sharing...  Things are progressing rapidly, let's continue to bring peace & love so our planet, global & universal family can move towards healing, towards a better tomorrow...

Universal Healing & Love is Here...

Captains Topics for the Week of 6/2/14:

Monday, 6/2/14:    5:00 p.m. PST / 7:00 p.m. CST / 8:00 p.m. EST

Topic:   “Bilderberg Group” Meetings

Archive Broadcast Link – Also, available on “Talkshoe Player”

Monday, 6/2/14:    5:00 p.m. PST / 7:00 p.m. CST / 8:00 p.m. EST

"Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7" on iTunes:



List of Bilderberg participants

The Guardian:

Bilderberg 2014: George Osborne and the man at the centre of everything:

Wednesday, 6/4/14:    5:00 p.m. PST / 7:00 p.m. CST / 8:00 p.m. EST

Topic:   What animal species are you drawn to & why...? 

Archive Broadcast Link – Also, available on “Talkshoe Player” & iTunes:

Wednesday, 6/4/14:    5:00 p.m. PST / 7:00 p.m. CST / 8:00 p.m. EST

"Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7" on iTunes:

Friday, 6/6/14:    5:00 p.m. PST / 7:00 p.m. CST / 8:00 p.m. EST

 Topic:    Grab Bag

Archive Broadcast Link – Also, available on “Talkshoe Player” & "Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7" on iTunes:

"Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7" on iTunes:


Massive Underwater Entrance Discovered Off The California Coast:

Something Major is Being Hidden From the Public A Must Know Secret:

Captain, Journey towards Awakening & Enlightening…

Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God’s Rainbow Tribes…

Peace, Blessings & Welcome “Captain” as he shares his insight’s towards evolving beyond…

Let’s step back for a moment to appreciate of Captain’s journey...  His educational evolution began at Primary: Holy Angels Catholic School, Chicago IL; Secondary Education:  St Michael Central High School, Chicago. IL.    He attended Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in 1974.  Evolved as a Professional Software Engineer and Estate Officer, presently, retired.   Father of Two adult’s sons and grandfather of 6.

‘Captain, is a messenger of the future and present being... He agreed to his mission to spread the word of Prosperity and Spiritual uplift... I waited for 30 years to unveil the future and what is to come... in our present world of Gaia.’

Captain, has been a guest on many calls such as this, with several Fans around the world that absolutely adore him…  He encourages everyone to do their ‘due diligence’

Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7 welcome “Captain” as our special guest, every other Friday, beginning this Friday, 5/2/14; so, stay tuned…  Mark your calendars & help spread the word for a better tomorrow…

Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7 will continue delivering guests we’re humble to share with you including People who enjoy Inspiring, Encouraging, Enlightening others as  we  spread Agape’ Love & Healing around the world…

Indie Artists, Spoken Word, Poets, Author’s, Education, Entrepreneurs, and so much more…

So, sit back relax have a cup of coffee, tea, or wine, and enjoy the journey as we continue to evolve…

Essential Spirit Enterprises:
ESpiritE- Radio7 onTwitter:   @espiriteradio7

ESpiritE on Facebook:

"ESpiritE.CS: - Facebook Event:

ESpiritE-Radio7 w/Host Nesheba – on Free Conferencing Options:

 Call-in#:  712-432-0075 > Participants:   533869# > Playback#:  712-432-1085

***Alternative option to connecting & Joining Free Conferencing { without a landline and/or cell phone.***

Once you’re on the Home page - Select "Call in Using Our Flash Phone"

Then follow the instructions:

Step 1:   Launch Flash Phone Application

Step 2  
"List of Numbers" - Select: 712-432-0075

"Access Code": 533869 , then Enter Your Name:

Step 3:  
"Allow" to allow your microphone settings

 Listeners – Participates" that would also like to engage in live “Chat” during the call please use the link within the invite below.

Once you’re logged in you’ll need to select the “Screen Sharing” tab, and take a minute to install this feature…

1. Please join my meeting:

2. Join the conference call:
Dial: (712) 432-0075
Access Code: 533869#

Additional Help

Joining the Conference - At the scheduled date and time of the online meeting, dial into the conference line and when prompted enter the access code followed by the pound key.

Joining the Meeting - Click on the provided meeting link listed above. On the next page fill out your name in the Meeting Login box. Once filled in, click on the Login button.

Thank you for using!      

Thank you, Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...