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Thank you, Peace, Love, & Global Harmony to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

“What I’m Most Thankful For” & Nesheba’s “Moments of Thought” Series

“What I’m Most Thankful For”

I’m thankful for everyday that God blesses me with, to continue traveling through life’s journey. It welcomes another day to nurture, develop and share the gifts that God has blessed and called me to share with the world... Our gifts aren’t for us to just hold unto ourselves, the components, ingredients that are incorporated with all the other Angels; He’s brought into the world for the overall benefit of our global community & family...

Nesheba’s “Moments of Thought” Series

I continue to pray that despite our current global economic times we must allow the ‘faith of mustard seed’ to hold our ground.   Hold fast to ‘when you’ve done all you can, continue to stand.’  God’s house is build upon a rock where, ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail.’  God is with us eternally to supply all our needs according to His riches and glory in heaven.  Yes, it appears to be scary and maybe even frightening, but ‘God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind’…

We must be faithful in knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  ‘When Jesus asked Peter to step outside of the boat, every time Peter’s faith hit a moment of doubt, he began to go under the water...  Our biggest lesson from this story is every time Peter’s ‘faith of a mustard seed’ was invoked he was able to continue walking towards Jesus...  This story teaches us so much about faith because sometime our faith gets weary, or we have moment when we say we’re going to let go and let God.  Yet, we go through a tog a war going back and forth trying to take back control. 

Does this ever really work for us?  No, it actually delays our blessings.  Somehow, reflecting we know more than God, instead of just trusting in Him.  When we review our lives truthfully, we can feel His footprints, His presence throughout our lives.  If we reflect on people that have touched our lives, we know that He’s been there the entire time…

God’s inspiration through His actions and the angels that cross our paths as we travel through our journey, walking in our destiny, despite life’s trials & tribulations becomes an inspiration for others…

Inspiration that can awaken those who haven’t always been able to see their purpose, their destiny, their meaning in life can be driven by someone else’s spirit of inspiration.   Let’s continue to let our light from within shine bright, to enlighten the world around us…

Thank you, and Have a Blessed & Peaceful Day...

All Rights Reserved and Copyrighted Nesheba of ESpiritE-Inspirations “Moments of Thought” Series ©2001 & Beyond…  

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Peace,Love, Global Harmony & Healing to All of God's Rainbow Tribes...

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